CONECTOR SPLICE ACOPLE HEMBRA A HEMBRA PUNTO 500 – Conector troncal .500, Empalme

Conector troncal de empalme 500

Aleación de aluminio

Construcción de tres piezas

Sellos de anillo “O” El conector de empalme 500 se usa para unir dos cables. Se apodera de los conductores exterior y central del cable.


• RF shielding effectiveness better than -120 dB, even at temperature extremes

• Thin film lubricant on all threads for smooth, non-galling installation

• Positive stop feature eliminates need for torque wrenches or special tools and guarantees consistent installation every time

• Patented anti-rotational feature which prevents cable rotation during installation

• Center conductor mark on all connectors for accurate cable preparation

• Self locking feature prevents back nut loosening caused by cable vibration

• Only one wrench size needed for each connector

• Mid-body clamping mechanism to prevent cable rotation during installation

• Active O-ring engages when connector is tightened to prevent moisture migration



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CONECTOR SPLICE ACOPLE HEMBRA A HEMBRA PUNTO 500 – Conector troncal .500, Empalme

Conector troncal de empalme 500

Aleación de aluminio

Construcción de tres piezas

Sellos de anillo “O” El conector de empalme 500 se usa para unir dos cables. Se apodera de los conductores exterior y central del cable.


• RF shielding effectiveness better than -120 dB, even at temperature extremes

• Thin film lubricant on all threads for smooth, non-galling installation

• Positive stop feature eliminates need for torque wrenches or special tools and guarantees consistent installation every time

• Patented anti-rotational feature which prevents cable rotation during installation

• Center conductor mark on all connectors for accurate cable preparation

• Self locking feature prevents back nut loosening caused by cable vibration

• Only one wrench size needed for each connector

• Mid-body clamping mechanism to prevent cable rotation during installation

• Active O-ring engages when connector is tightened to prevent moisture migration

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